五年级英语Unit3 My birthday教学设计模板

2016-06-11 11:55:47来源:网络

  Unit3 My birthday教学设计
  Pre-task preparations
  1. 学生开火车对答,复习12个月份的英语表达。
  S1:When’s your birthday?
  S2:It’s in March.When’s your birthday?
  S3:It’s in May.When’s…….?
  也可以让学生欣赏并跟唱歌曲Months of the year(教师可在网上查找视频)。
  January,Febuary,March and April.
  May,June,July and August.
  September,October,November ,December.
  These are the months of the year.
  2. 对12个月份的内容进行问答及排序。学习并操练相关的序数词1——10.
  T:How many months are there in a year?
  T:What are they?
  S2:They are January,Febuary……
  T:Which month is the first month of the year?
  S3:January is the first month of the year.
  While-task procedures
  1. 学习序数词,黑板上画一栋31层的房子,教师一一标出楼层,用颜色标出序数词结尾部分的st、nd、rd和th。
  T:This is a very tall building.It has thirty-one floors.Let’s count them.
  Ss:First floor,second floor,third floor………
  2. 通过快读反应(Quick response)游戏,让学生快速说出看到的日期,如the first of January、the third of April…….
  3. 出示日历,可选择节日或特殊的日子进行问答,继续学习日期的表达方式。教师可指向日历上的日期让学生操练日期的表达。
  T:When’s Children’s Day?
  S1:It’s on the first of June.(Write 1st June on the blackboard)
  T:When’s School Sports Day?
  S2:It’s on……..
  4. 在日历上标注人物头像和蛋糕图片,教授生日日期的询问方式与回答。
  T:(Write Alice beside a certain date on the calendar)Look at the calendar.When’s Alice’s birthday?
  S1:It’s on the third of Febuary.
  T:Alice’s birthday is on the third of February.When’s your birthday?
  S2:My birthday is on……….
  T:Do you remember Alice’s birthday?
  Ss:It’s on the third of February.
  T:When’s Joe’s birthday?
  Ss:It’s on the twenty-first of October.
  T:When’s (S2’s name)’s birthday?
  S3:It’s on………
  Post-task activities
  1. 开展Do a survey的活动。学生在小组内询问彼此的生日日期,并标到月历上,然后每组排代表向全班汇报,教师根据汇报统计班级学生的生日,标注在班级日历上。
  S1:When’s your birthday?
  S2:My birthday is on………
  S1:(S2’s name)’s birthday is on……..
  2. 让学生自己设计制作一个月历,标出重要的日子,如家人的生日、放假的日期,节日等,并可配上照片。挑出设计比较独特的月历让学生展示并介绍。
  Pre-task preparations
  1. 诵读儿歌,巩固月份与序数词。
  January comes first,
  February second.
  March third, March third.
  April comes fourth,
  May fifith.
  June sixth,June sixth.
  July comes seventh,
  August eighth,
  September ninth, September nint.
  October comes tenth,
  November eleventh,
  December twelfth, December twelfth.
  2. 复习日期的表示法。让学生在日历上指出自己的生日,并说一说。
  S:My birthday is on the …..of …..
  While-task procedures
  1. 播放课文录音,学生听录音后回答问题。
  1)Whose birthday are they talking about?
  (Peter’s birthday)
  2)When’s his birthday?
  (It’s on the twenty-sixth of September.)
  3)What time does the birthday party begin?
  (At two in the afternoon.)
  4)What kind of party is it?
  (It’s an “orange party.”)
  2. 出示课文内容,但挖空部分语句,如When’s your birthday?What time does the party begin?及That sounds interesting .先让学生根据上下文填空使课文完整,再分角色朗读课文。然后指导学生完成课本第15页Listen and say的后续练习。
  3. 根据课文内容,引导学生计划自己的生日聚会,创编对话并表演出来。
  S1:Hi,(S2’s name),can you come to my birthday party?
  S2: Sure.When’s your birthday?
  S1:It’s on the ……..
  S2:I see.What time does the party begin?
  S1:It begins at…….
  S1:Can you bring or wear some blue/red …..things to the party?It’s a blue /red …..party.Blue /Red….is my favourite colour.
  S2:That sounds interesting.I can’t wait.
  4. 出示Learn the sounds 的语音单词卡片st (post,toast),请学生跟读单词并感知st在单词中的发音。
  然后播放Learn the sounds的儿歌录音,请学生模仿录音朗读儿歌。鼓励学生模仿录音中的语音语调。
  Post-task activities
  A black and white party
  S1:Here’s my invitation .Please come to my birthday party.
  S2:When’s your birthday,Sally?
  S2:It’s on the second of October.
  S1:Sure.What time does the party begin?
  S2:It begins at one o’clock in the afternoon.It’s a “pink party”.You can bring some pink things or wear pink clothes.
  S1:That sounds interesting . I can’t wait!
  2. 展示一些生日活动的照片,把话题引到生日礼物上。
  T:What do you have on your birthday?
  S1:Noodles,cakes,cards and presents!
  T:Yes,we all like presents.Do you open your presents right after your get them?
  T:In China,it is not polite to open present right in front ot other people .But it is different in other places.
  出示Culture corner的图片,解释不同文化接受礼物时的表现。
  Pre—task preparations
  1. 诵读儿歌When’s your birthday?
  When’s your birthday? When’s your birthday?
  Listen and do. Listen and do.
  January or February ,raise your hand,raise your hand.
  March or April ,up you stand,up you stand.
  May and June,touch your nose,touch your nose.
  July or August,touch your toes,touch your toes.
  September or October,touch your knees,touch your knees.
  November or December,clap 1,2,3,clap1,2,3.
  2. 出示一些过生日的照片,以及不同主题的派对,与学生讨论。
  T:Do you like parties?
  Ss:Yes,we do.
  T:Let’s look at these photos.It’s a costume party,What do people wear?
  S1:They wear masks.
  While-task procedures
  1. 出示Say and act 的图片,师生问答,引入课文,突出orange party的主题。
  1)Whose party is it?(Peter’s)
  2)Who are at the party?(Peter ,Joe,Alice,Jill and Kitty)
  3)What orange things can you see at the party?(Orange balloons,orange clothes,orange juice,oranges……)
  学生根据图片大致描述Peter 的生日聚会。
  S:Peter has an orange birthday party.Jill,Kitty,Joe and Alice are at the party.They have/wear/bring….(orange things).They are happy at the party.
  1)Who has an orange skirt?(Kitty.)
  2) Who has an orange hat?(Jill.)
  3) Who has an orange T-shirt?(Joe.)
  4) Who has an orange card?(Alice.)
  学生完成课文第17页Say and act 的后续练习。
  2. 学生分成五人小组,分角色表演课文,然后引导学生畅想如果他们参Peter的聚会,他们将会带什么样的主题物品。
  T:If you are invited to Peter’s birthday party,what things can you bring or wear to the orange party?(write I have ….on the blackboard)
  S1:I have an orange birthday card.
  S2:I have an orange dress.
  3. 让学生根据课文填空。
  Peter has his birthday party on 26th Septermber.It’s an “orange party.”Jill,Kitty ,Joe and Alice are at the party.Jill has an orange hat.Kitty has an orange skirt.Joe has an orange T-shirt .Alice has an orange card.They all have fun at the party.
  Post-task activities
  1. 给学生提供具有相关主题的生日聚会的文章,学生阅读后改编为对话并表演出来。
  It’s 22nd September.It’s Judy’s birthday.Her friends are at her party.It is a pink party.Pink is Judy’s favourite colour.At the party,pink is everywhere.There are pink balloons and pink flowers in the room.Kitty has a pink dress.Jill has a pink hat.Tom has a pink card.Judy wears a beautiful pink skirt.
  Children:Happy birthday,Judy!
  Judy:Thank you!Welcome to my pink party.What pink things do you have?
  Kitty:I have a pink dress.
  Jill:I have a pink hat.
  Tom;I havea pink card.
  Judy:Thank you so much.Let’s have some fun.
  2. 根据《练习册》中的Task,教师将学生按照生日的月份分组,请生日在同一个月的学生互相提问,并记下组内学生的具体生日日期,完成《练习册》Task中的Ask and write,然后让各组学生通过Choose and ask 了解组内学生的喜好。最后,选择一位学生的信息完成Think and write.



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