A chair of my mother
My mother works as a waitress in the Blue Tile Diner.
After school sometimes I go to meet her there.
Then her boss Josephine gives me a job too.
I wash the salts and peppers and fill the ketchups.
One time I peeled all the onions for the onion soup.
When I finish, Josephine says, “Good work, honey, “ and pays me.
And every time, I put half of my money into the jar.
I takes a long time to fill a jar this big.
Every day when my mother comes home from work,
I take down the jar.
My mama empties all her change from tips out of her purse for me to count.
Then we push all of the coins into the jar.
Sometimes my mama is laughing when she comes home from work.
Sometimes she‘s so tired she falls asleep
while I count the money out into piles.
Some days she has lots of tips. Some days she has only a little.
Then she looks worried.
But each evening every single shiny coin goes into the jar.
We sit in the kitchen to count the tips.
Usually Grandma sits with us too.
While we count, she likes to hum.
Often she has money in her old leather wallet for us.
Whenever she gets a good bargain on tomatoes or bananas or something she buys, she puts by the savings and they go into the jar.
When we can’t get a single other coin into the jar,
we are going to take out all the money and go and buy a chair.
Yes, a chair. A wonderful, beautiful, fat, soft armchair.
We will get one covered in velvet with roses all over it.
We are going to get the best chair in the whole world.
That is because our old chairs burned up.
There was a big fire in our other house. All our chairs burned.
So did our sofa and so did everything else.
That wasn‘t such a long time ago.
My mother and I were coming home from buying new shoes.
I had new sandals. She had new pumps.
We were walking to our house from the bus.
We were looking at everyone’s tulips.
She was saying she liked red tulips
and I was saying I liked yellow ones. Then we came to our block.
Right outside our house stood two big fire engines.
I could see lots of smoke. Tall orange flames came out of the roof.
All the neighbors stood in a bunch across the street.
Mama grabbed my hand and we ran.
My uncle Sandy saw us and ran to us.
Mama yelled, “Where‘s Mother?” I yelled, “Where’s my grandma?”
My aunt Ida waved and shouted ,
“She‘s here, she’s here. She‘s O.K. Don’t worry.”
Grandma was all right.
来源 : 新东方在线 关键字 : 免费福利
来源 : 新东方在线 关键字 : 新概念英语一二册资料
来源 : 1 关键字 :
来源 : 河北教育厅 关键字 : 强降雨天气,河北省,停止线下教学
来源 : 北京青年报 关键字 : 暑期夏令营,公园科普,北京中小学
来源 : 北京晚报 关键字 : 课后服务,优质课程,中小学,
来源 : 教育部网站 关键字 : 2021暑假,中小学,护眼
来源 : 北京青年报 关键字 : 疫苗接种,北京,中学生
教育部基础教育司司长吕玉刚21日在国新办发布会上说,截至今年5月底,全国10 2万所义务教育学校开展课后服务。近期,教育部作出部署,确保
来源 : 新华社 关键字 : 教育部,中小学,课后服务
来源 : 北京青年报 关键字 : 未成年,互联网,