小学英语阅读:The Little Elves
Long time ago, there lived a very poor shoemaker. Because the old man was so poor, he had enough leather to make only one pair of shoes. Still, the very understanding old man never complained. “Tomorrow morning, let‘s make one pair of shoes with a cheerful heart.” The Little Elves
After the old man cleaned and prepared the leather that he was going to work on the next day, he placed it on the worktable and went to sleep. The next day, it was morning. The old man was very surprised. “Oh, where did this beautiful shoes come from?” On top of the worktable, the leather was gone, instead a pair of shoes that had been made with a lot of effort was there.
A little later, a customer came into the store. “I saw from the outside window the very beautiful shoes. Please, sell the shoes to me.” The customer showed such a great desire to buy the shoes that he bought it for much more than the normal price. With that money, the old man bought enough leather to make four pairs of shoes.
“Dear, Lord thank you very much.” The old man prayed with a grateful heart. “Tomorrow, let’s wake up with a fresh feeling and make some beautiful shoes.” However, there was no need to. When the old man woke up from his sleep, the shoes were already made.
Because the shoes were so beautiful, all four pairs were sold at a very expensive price. This kept happening all the time. At night, the leather would be carefully prepared, placed on top of the worktable and he would go to sleep. The next morning, a well tailored made shoes would be on top of the worktable.
The old man quickly became rich. Whenever the old man saw his neighbors or a poor person, he would help them as if it was his own work and lived happily. It was a few nights before Christmas. After the old man finished preparing the leather and before going to bed, he said to his wife,
来源 : 新东方在线 关键字 : 免费福利
来源 : 新东方在线 关键字 : 新概念英语一二册资料
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来源 : 河北教育厅 关键字 : 强降雨天气,河北省,停止线下教学
来源 : 北京青年报 关键字 : 暑期夏令营,公园科普,北京中小学
来源 : 北京晚报 关键字 : 课后服务,优质课程,中小学,
来源 : 教育部网站 关键字 : 2021暑假,中小学,护眼
来源 : 北京青年报 关键字 : 疫苗接种,北京,中学生
教育部基础教育司司长吕玉刚21日在国新办发布会上说,截至今年5月底,全国10 2万所义务教育学校开展课后服务。近期,教育部作出部署,确保
来源 : 新华社 关键字 : 教育部,中小学,课后服务
来源 : 北京青年报 关键字 : 未成年,互联网,