四年级英语下册教案:《Beijing is bigger than tianjing》

2018-03-01 10:50:02来源:网络

  Step 2 Lead-in

  Do you like travelling? Today, I’ll take you to visit some beautiful and famous places. There are four stops in our trip. First, close your eyes please!

  1.the Changjiang River and the Yellow River

  T: CAI shows the picture of the Changjiang River. T: What is it? Ss: the Changjiang River. CAI shows the picture of the Yellow River. T: And this is… Ss: the Yellow River.

  问同学们知道两条河的长度么?再告诉学生长江长6397km, 黄河长 5464km. 让学生比较Which is longer? 引导学生说出句子: The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River. 单词:long long longer 分组读 比较级和原级 排火车 小组竞赛

  2.Mount Qomolangma, Mount Tai (出示课件)

  I want to travel around the world one day, climb Mount Qomolangma and Mount Tai is my dream.(展示两幅图,分别教学)

  大多数学生可能对泰山的了解比较多一点,再和学生说:Mount Tai, it is in our Shandong province.并问学生 Have you ever been there?

  同学们可能对Mount Qomolangma(分音节读)不是很了解,可以给学生们讲一下,It is the highest mountain in our earth!

  问学生 Which is higher, Mount Tai or Mount Qomolangma? 引导学生说出Mount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tai. 学习单词 High,high,higher.

  3.the Great Wall, the Summer Palace

  Ss: 长城!T: Yes, it’s the Great Wall! the Great Wall ( 手势表示 great , wall ) 长城是人们智慧的结晶 (wall, wall, the Great Wall)

  CAI shows the picture of the Summer Palace. Ss: 颐和园! T: Yes, you are right. It’s the Summer Palace. “summer” means 夏天 ,palace 宫殿,So the Summer Palace. How beautiful they are!

  介绍:长城和颐和园在我国历史悠久,长城距今已有2000多年的历史,颐和园距今也有200多年的历史了。因此我们可以说:The Great Wall is older than the Summer Palace. 学习单词 old, old, older(拍桌子拍手)

  4.Beijing, Tianjin

  CAI shows the picture of Beijing. T: Our last stop is here, guess! What’s it? Ss: Beijing!

  CAI shows the picture of Tianjin. T: Do you know this city? Ss: Tianjin.

  向学生展示北京和天津的轮廓,让学生自己比较,然后问学生Which is bigger?引导学生说出 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin. .(告诉学生big的比较级是双写g加er,这点需要学生知道)



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