
2020-02-28 19:25:00来源:网络

  全部试题领取方式如下:  期末专项训练是每位老师在教学过程中必不可少的教学工具,对于一些教学经验还不够丰富的老师来说需要多看一些好的期末专项训练,这样会成长的更快。新东方在线小学网整理了《2020年六年级英语上册期末专项训练-一般现在时》,供老师们参考。

  一 写出下列动词的第三人称单数

  perform___________ go___________ stay________ make_________

  look__________ have__________ pass_________ carry_________

  come————— watch__________ celebrate_________ fly_______

  study_____________ brush_______________ do________ teach__________

  二 用括号内动词的适当形式填空

  1. He often __________ (have) breakfast at home.

  2. Jim and Tom _______ (be) in class one.

  3. We ___________(not watch) the player on Monday.

  4. Denial ____________ (not go) to the park on Sunday.

  5. ________ they _________(like) the world cup.

  6. What _________ they often ________ (do) on Sundays?

  7. _________ your grandparents _________(watch) TV every day?

  8. The man ____________(teach) us English on Saturdays.

  9. Kate and I _________ (take) a walk together every evening.

  10. There __________(be) some cold water in the glass.

  11. Mike ___________(like) fishing.

  12. They __________(have) the different hobbies.

  13. My mum ___________ (look) after my little sister carefully.

  14. You always ___________ (do) your homework well.

  15. I _________ (be) ill. I am staying in hospital.

  16. She _________ (not go) to school on Sundays.

  17. YangMing ___________(do) not like English.

  18. The child often__________(watch) TV on weekends.

  19. Daniel and John _________(have) six lessons this term.

  20. –What day _________ (be) it today?

  --It’s Monday.

  三 按要求完成句子

  1. Mimi starts to dance at 7:30.( 改为否定句)


  2. They often eat their lunch outside the classroom. (一般疑问句,作否定回答)


  3. Lucy likes collecting picture cards. (一般疑问句,作肯定回答)


  4. Daniel likes playing computer games. (一般疑问句,作否定回答)


  5. They go to school every morning.(改为否定句)


  6. Amy speaks English very well. (改为否定句)


  7. My uncle likes taking pictures on the street. (对划线部分提问)


  8. John comes from Germany. (对划线部分提问)


  9. My hobby is collecting maps. (一般疑问句,作否定回答)


  10. Daniel and his brother like going skating. (否定句)


  四 改错

  1. Is your sister speak English?_________

  2. Does your father likes going fishing? __________

  3. Liu Wei likes play computer games after class._____________

  4. Mr Wang teachs us art. _________________

  5. He don’t do his homework on Saturdays. ____________



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