’My wife! My wife! I must be with my wife! I care for her much more than for my life!’ “
The adviser thought, “Truly this fish has gone crazy. He is in this terrible state because he became a slave to his own desire. And it is clear that he has learned nothing from the results of his actions. If he dies keeping such agony, and the desire that caused it, in his mind, he will surely continue to suffer by being reborn in some hell world. Therefore, I must save him!”
So this kind man went over to the fi shermen and said, “Oh my friends, loyal subjects of our king, you have never given me and my followers a fish for our curry. Won‘t you give us one today?”
They replied, “Oh royal minister, please accept from us any fi sh you wish!” “This big one on the river bank looks delicious,” said the adviser. “Please take him, sir,” they said.
Then he sat down on the bank. He took the fi sh, who was still groaning, into his hands. He spoke to him in the language only fish can understand, saying,
“You foolish fish! If I had not seen you today, you would have gotten yourself killed. Your blind desire was leading you to continued suffering. From now on, do not let yourself be trapped by your own desires!”
Then the fish realized how fortunate he was to have found such a friend. He thanked him for his wise advice. The minister released the lucky fi sh back into the river, and went on his way.
The moral is: Fools are trapped by their own desires.
来源 : 新东方在线 关键字 : 免费福利
来源 : 新东方在线 关键字 : 新概念英语一二册资料
来源 : 1 关键字 :
来源 : 河北教育厅 关键字 : 强降雨天气,河北省,停止线下教学
来源 : 北京青年报 关键字 : 暑期夏令营,公园科普,北京中小学
来源 : 北京晚报 关键字 : 课后服务,优质课程,中小学,
来源 : 教育部网站 关键字 : 2021暑假,中小学,护眼
来源 : 北京青年报 关键字 : 疫苗接种,北京,中学生
教育部基础教育司司长吕玉刚21日在国新办发布会上说,截至今年5月底,全国10 2万所义务教育学校开展课后服务。近期,教育部作出部署,确保
来源 : 新华社 关键字 : 教育部,中小学,课后服务
来源 : 北京青年报 关键字 : 未成年,互联网,